Welcome to Flynn Township, Sanilac County, Michigan

Welcome to Flynn Township


Flynn Township is located in the south western portion of Sanilac County in the State of Michigan.  This website is meant to provide our residents with up-to-date information on Township Meetings, Ordinances, Meeting Minutes, and much more.  If you need further assistance, please contact a Township Official who will assist you in finding what you are looking for.

Best regards,
The Flynn Township Board



The Omard Cemetery is now ONLINE! 


It can be accessed a number of different ways -- your desktop, laptop, smart phone, ipad, ...




If needed, the "User Name" is omard and "Password" is omard




Want to Rent the Senior Center & Park? 


Contact Brent Banks  at (810) 837-2474 or FlynnTownshipTreasurer@gmail.com.  



Flynn Township Senior Center
5251 Shephard Road
Brown City, Michigan 48416

Clerk: Robert Vinande, (810) 705-0922
Supervisor: Grant Burgess, (810) 404-2382
Deputy Supervisor: Gene Burgess, (810) 404-2917
Treasurer: Brent Banks, (810) 837-2474
Assessor: Connie Lipka, (810) 614-8445

