Welcome to Flynn Township, Sanilac County, Michigan

Welcome to Flynn Township


Want to Rent the Senior Center & Park? 


Contact Brent Banks  at (810) 837-2474 or FlynnTownshipTreasurer@gmail.com.  



Flynn Township is located in the south western portion of Sanilac County in the State of Michigan.  This website is meant to provide our residents with up-to-date information on Township Meetings, Ordinances, Meeting Minutes, and much more.  If you need further assistance, please contact a Township Official who will assist you in finding what you are looking for.

Best regards,
The Flynn Township Board



The Omard Cemetery is now ONLINE! 


It can be accessed a number of different ways -- your desktop, laptop, smart phone, ipad, ...




If needed, the "User Name" is omard and "Password" is omard




Flynn Township Senior Center
5251 Shephard Road
Brown City, Michigan 48416

Clerk: Robert Vinande, (810) 705-0922
Supervisor: Grant Burgess, (810) 404-2382
Deputy Supervisor: Gene Burgess, (810) 404-2917
Treasurer: Brent Banks, (810) 837-2474
Assessor: Connie Lipka, (810) 614-8445

